First Thursday of the month, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Westminster Events with local End-of-Life Doulas Anthea Grimason and Karen Murray are offering a Death Cafe on the first...

First Thursday of the month, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Westminster Events with local End-of-Life Doulas Anthea Grimason and Karen Murray are offering a Death Cafe on the first...
Join Rob and Bethany for an in-depth look at the Gospel of Matthew. We will meet in the library; join for as many of the Sundays as you are available.
Join Rob and Bethany for an exploration of various obstacles to faith and the church. The class will explore how we read the Bible, what we do with an imperfect church...
Twice monthly hikes are a great opportunity for WPC’s women and men (and occasionally, dogs) hikers to enjoy Marin’s trails and get to know each other in...
Join a new class that delves into Sober Spirituality by Erin Jean Warde, a book that illuminates the transformative benefits of an alcohol-free life. Rev. Warde...
Co-sponsored by the Redwoods Presbytery and the Marin Interfaith Council, this Zoom presentation will focus specifically on how congregations can offer support. Advanced...